It can get pretty easy to fall into a rut of the same things over and over again in your sex life. Maybe it’s even started to all feel the same and you’re getting a bit bored. And that could possibly make it more difficult for you to climax or reach your other sexual goals to Increase Pleasure.
Introducing a little bit of novelty into your sexual life, either alone or with one or more partners, could be an excellent way to change things up just enough. If you’re looking to add a little bit of something extra into the bedroom, or you just want your sexual activities to feel better than they currently do, some of the following ideas could really do the trick.
Use Lube
Adding a little bit of lubrication into your sex life, whether it’s a natural lube or a traditional lube, could be just what the roleplay doctor ordered (that’s a bonus tip for you). But seriously, adding natural lube could be a great supplement to what you’re already feeling in the bedroom.
Dryness, especially in those with vaginas, is uncannily common. This is the case, especially in sexual encounters, where many encounter an issue of dryness whenever they try to do anything remotely penetrative.
Using a natural lube could easily make insertion a lot easier, rather than uncomfortable like it normally is for some people.
Introduce CBD- Increase Pleasure
There’s some evidence that adding CBD topically to your erogenous zones could make your sexual encounters a lot more enjoyable. Better yet, CBD can even come in some natural lube products that are specially designed to be safe for the more sensitive parts of your body.
Natural lube containing CBD has already been shown to increase blood flow to parts of the body where it is applied. It can additionally provide feelings of relaxation and help to ease tension.
For those who experience pain during sex, it couldn’t hurt to try a little bit of topical CBD on the affected areas.
Try Out a New Toy- Increase Pleasure
Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to invest loads of money into a brand new toy just to feel a little bit better during sex. In fact, toys aren’t just fake body parts or vibrators.
And this doesn’t even mean that you need to delve into scary or uncomfortable territory. No one is expecting you to become the most kinky person on the block overnight, I promise. However, it can be fun to introduce something new into the regular rotation.
Something like a new texture can easily be added to your play. This could be something soft like a feather or a tongue, something cold like an ice cube, something hard like a dowel rod (please play with caution and communication), or something completely unexpected like tickling.
Not all of these will be everyone’s cup of tea, but then again not everyone likes tea either. All that this means is it could be fun to add a little something new and to get a little more experimental than you normally would.
Get Creative- Increase Pleasure
This can easily mean a number of different things, from a new activity to a new sex partner. However, this can also be something as simple as a DIY project for you to try out on your own or for you to work on together with your partner.
A number of household items can easily be used as insertables if they have soft edges and can be placed into a condom. The soft edges will keep you from getting hurt, and the condom will keep any potential dangerous chemicals from leaking into your body or from making your DIY toy more difficult to clean.
If you’re looking to make something with your partner, there are lots of ways to convert stuffed animals, certain vegetables, and even flip-flops (preferably new) into props in the bedroom.
Bonus points if your items come with flared bases or are otherwise easy to pull out, just so that you don’t lose anything you didn’t want to explain to a doctor.
This is a term that people use when they refer to avoiding sexual climax in order to build up extra tension in themselves or in their partners. Instead of heading straight to the feelings that so many of us frequently chase, it can be a little fun to deny ourselves or our partners that feeling of pleasure immediately.
Some people have described feelings of extra intense climaxes when they’ve edged toward orgasm and then the sensation suddenly stopped. Building up these pleasurable sensations over and over again before finally allowing yourself or your partner to give in can make feelings much stronger.
And a bit of a bonus to this tip is that there’s some evidence that edging can make your sessions in the bedroom last longer than they normally would. Although this won’t pay off immediately, it can be a bit of a training technique if lasting longer is your goal.