Using your own red light therapy pad makes pain relief much more accessible. Owning a professional-level, medical-grade light therapy system is no longer only for health practitioners. If you’re experiencing any kind of pain, whether it’s chronic pain, joint pain, or anything in between, a red light therapy pad will improve both circulation and healing potential of your injured joints.
When choosing infrared light therapy, it’s important to consider the caliber of pad you’re purchasing. Physical therapists and doctors use medical-grade red light therapy pads which have the best effect on your physical health. When investing in a professional-level light therapy device, it’s important to ensure that you’re investing in a quality product that works. What should you be looking for when purchasing a red light therapy pad?
How to Choose a Quality Red Light Therapy Device
In order to ensure that your light therapy device works to combat your pain, it’s important to consider its quality, reliability and durability. However, it’s difficult to know these things before purchasing a pad. Before purchasing a light therapy pad, you can check the following elements to ensure that it is medical-grade, and therefore be effective at combating pain:
- FDA Listed or Cleared: A key factor in determining whether a red light therapy device is good quality is whether it is FDA cleared or listed. An FDA cleared or listed light therapy pad signifies that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed this product and has determined that this particular device has met its standards and is safe.
- Number of Joules: Joules is one of the major elements you should take into consideration when determining which light therapy pad to purchase. The dosage of light delivered by the device at the skin surface into the body is a key indicator of quality. In general, the more joules, the better the product, so you should look at the product description to find this out.
- Light Wavelengths: LEDs in the pad need to emit light in the correct wavelengths to improve the body’s healing ability. Devices emitting red light at 630 nm; infrared light at 850 nm; and blue light at 465 nm are considered to be great quality, so check what different websites have to offer and compare them to find the best one.
- Presence of Infrared LEDs: Quality light therapy pads should contain both red LEDs and infrared LEDs. This provides maximum potential for light to penetrate the skin. LED pads containing blue LED lights are also beneficial for antimicrobial benefits, so check the product description for these before purchasing.
- Light Frequencies: A medical-grade light pad should emit light at beneficial cellular resonance frequencies. Meaning that rather than continuous waves, light from quality light pads will pulse. This is because your body will respond better to light that pulses rather than constant light.
- Design and Size: The design of a low quality pad will often inhibit its usage. Pads should be versatile, allow a wide range of motion, be flexible, and be big enough for good coverage on the body. Opt for pads that are made of soft fabric, for maximum versatility and maximum pain relief.
- Durability: Your red light therapy device should be durable, and not likely to fray at the seams. Your device will go through daily usage, so it should be able to hold its shape and not split. Cheaper therapy pads are not nearly as strong as medical-grade light therapy pads.
- Warranty: Also, you should strongly consider purchasing a LED pad with a warrant, or at least some kind of repair policy. A two-year warranty usually indicates quality and will give you peace of mind when spending lots of money on a product.
Choose A Quality Product
Whenever you are ready to purchase a medical-grade, FDA-listed red tight therapy device, it is vital that you take the necessary precautions and conduct sufficient
research. Red light therapy pads are easy to use at home. Simply strap them onto the affected area of the body. push the button to turn it on and read, relax or watch TV. You can even fall asleep.