what is the benefit of yoga?
what is yoga:
It is accurate and free from excessive errors, to describe the meaning of the word yoga which is appropriate in every context and not suitable for anything other than yoga.
The Bhagavad Gita is considered a famous text. The term yoga has been used many times, sometimes alone and sometimes especially, such as Budhayoga, Sanyasayoga, Karmayoga. For the first time since its inception, December 11, 2014, the United Nations General Assembly recognized June 21 as World Yoga Day each year.
Time of doing yoga:
1. Morning:
Morning is the perfect time to add. However, yoga should be done before breakfast. Because the stomach should be light and empty while doing yoga. If you do not like the morning, you can choose other times.
When picking a second time, one should make sure that the stomach is empty. You can practice yoga 3 hours after eating.
2. A few hours after eating:
If you choose to do yoga a second time in the morning, do yoga three to four hours after eating. Even if you drink tea, coffee, juice, or any other beverage, start practicing yoga half an hour later.
Basically 12 type of yoga:
1. Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga:
- This is the easiest yogasana that all people can do.
- First of all, stand straight and keep a distance between the two legs.
- After that, slowly turn downwards to form a V like Shape.
- As you can see in the photo above, make a little second between both hands and feet.
- While breathing, pull your waist backward with the help of your feet. Do not bend your legs and arms.
- Doing this will give a good stretch to the back, arms, and legs of your body.
- Take a long breath and stay in this yoga pose for some delay.

Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana Yoga:
- The muscle is strong.
- Sinus problems are solved.
- The body gets a good stretch.
- Blood circulation improves.
2. Tadasana Yoga:
- First of all, stand straight with the help of your feet.
- Make a little space between your two legs.
- After that, with the help of fingers of your feet with a long breath, lift the body up slightly and raise both your hands slowly. After that, connect the fingers of one hand with the fingers of one hand.
- Stay in this posture for at least 15-30 seconds and pull your body upward.
- After that, slowly bring your hands to a normal position.

Benefits of Tadasana Yoga:
- This asana proves more beneficial for those who want to increase their length.
- The posture improves.
- RT Y67 76Keeps you from spinal problems.
3. Sukhasana Yoga:
- Children can do this easy yoga as well by teaching in a few minutes.
- First of all, lay a carpet on the floor and bend both legs.
- Feet bend in such a way that the lower part of one leg is seen outside and the other under the thighs of the next leg.
- Then sit upright and keep your reed bone straight.
- Place the palms of both your hands on your knees and hold the Jnana Mudra.
- Breathe in slowly and exhale slowly.

Benefits of Sukhasana Yoga:
- The bone of the reed is scratched which helps the reed bone to grow longer.
- The width of the chest increases.
- The mind gets peace.
- Diseases associated with anxiety, stress, and mental fatigue are overcome.
4. Shavasana Yoga:
- This is a very easy yoga pose but it gives very important benefits to the body.
- First of all, take a carpet in a flat place.
- After that, lie down on the face and face.
- Keep both of your legs apart from the other.
- Then breathe slowly for a few minutes and release.
Benefits of Shavasana Yoga:
- It provides relief to the body.
- Improves focus / concentration.
5. Virabhadrasana Yoga:
- First of all, stand up straight.
- Keep a distance of 3-4 feet between both legs.
- Take a long breath and raise both arms parallel to the ground and turn your head to the right.
- After exhaling, bend your right leg 90 degrees and slightly to the right.
- Look at the photo to understand how to bend the leg.
- After that stay in this position for some time.
- Do this 5-6 times.

Benefits of Virabhadrasana Yoga:
- This yoga pose gives strength to the legs and arms.
- It also keeps the body of the lower part healthy.
6. Vrikasana Yoga:
- First of all, keep both your hands beside and stand upright.
- After that, carefully keep your right leg on the thigh of your left leg and stand straight. Look at the photo to understand.
- After that, slowly join the don hands and move upwards and hold the prayer posture.
- Try to balance in this pose for at least 30-45 seconds.

Benefits of Vrikasana Yoga:
- Improve balance.
- To strengthen the thighs, legs, and reed bone.
7. Setubandhasana Yoga:
- In this yoga posture, you have to make your body like a bridge.
- First of all, lie down on the ground and keep your arms on both sides.
- See the way given in the picture, lift the lower part of your body.
- Take a long breath in that posture and stop for about 25-30 seconds.
- After that, slowly bring your body down and bring it to the first posture.
- Repeat this yogasana for 4-5 times.
Benefits of Setubandhasana Yoga:
- Strengthens the chest.
- Also, the back and reed bone is also healthy.
- The anxiety of the mind is overcome.
8. Trikonasana Yoga:
- First of all, stand up straight and keep a slight gap between your two legs.
- Then bend your right leg in 90 degrees.
- After that, while bending the body slightly to the right, touch the fingers of your right leg with your right hand and keep the left hand in the top and straight as given in the photo.
- Hold this pose for 1-2 minutes.

Benefits of Trikonasana Yoga:
- The whole body gets a good stretch.
- Blood circulation/circulation improves.
- The kidney/kidney remains healthy.
9. Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga:
- This is also an easy yoga for beginners.
- First, sit down straight.
- Then bend your left leg and try to touch the right side behind you. Look at the photo to understand.
- After that, move your right leg to the front of your left leg. The right foot should touch the ground on the next side.
- After that, stretch or pull your body in the opposite direction to the folded side and try to touch the foot from the backside.
- Hold for 20-30 seconds in this pose. After that repeat this yogasana in the next direction also.
Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga:
- Muscles get a good stretch.
- Reed’s bone is strong.
- Blood circulation occurs correctly.
- Protects the body from constipation and indigestion.
10. Bhujangasana Yoga:
- First of all, lie down with your stomach down.
- After that, with a long breath, move the upper part of your body like head, neck, shoulders, and chest upwards as given in the picture.
- Hold for 20-30 seconds in this pose.
- Then repeat this posture 4-5 times.

Benefits of Bhujangasana Yoga:
- Removes acidity and gas problems in the stomach.
- Obesity is less.
- Blood circulation occurs correctly.
- Relieves complaints of indigestion and constipation
11. Baddha konasana Yoga:
- First of all, lay a carpet on the ground below and sit up straight.
- After that, add the parts under both your legs by bringing them in front.
- Then try to hold it under the connected position of both legs as in the picture.
- Then move your feet like a butterfly’s wing.
- You can also do this asana fast.

Benefits of Baddhakonasana Yoga:
- Keeps the stomach organs healthy.
- Also keeps the kidney healthy.
12. Balasana Yoga:
- First of all, bend your legs backward and do as you have done in the picture and keep both your hands in your thighs and sit upright.
- After that, while slowly exhaling, connect your chest to your knees.
- After that, you can also keep your hands straight forward and backward.
- After that, breathe slowly and carefully and stay in that posture for 2-3 minutes.
- Repeat this yoga 5-10 times.

Benefits of Balasana Yoga:
- Mental thinking is overcome.
- Back pain ends.