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Yoga For Weight Loss
If the body is healthy, then the fun of living is different. Paying attention to their health is the primary responsibility of every person, but unfortunately, very few people pay attention to their health in time.

As a result, they suffer from all sorts of diseases ahead of time. And one of the most common health problems is obesity. Many people today are upset because of weight gain, in fact, people are so upset that weight loss has resulted in the emergence of billions of industries.
How yoga helps in reducing weight:-
Loyalty, commitment, and a disciplined lifestyle are found during the weight loss process.
Many of us want to lose weight, for which we do various diets, exercises, aerobics, and even yoga. But after a few days, we got bored with these exercises, lost hope, and gave up the practice. This vicious cycle continues and the body becomes accustomed to it.

The next time the body takes more time and effort to start this exercise. This means that the next time you practice weight loss, you need to work harder to achieve your goals.
You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. As a result, whenever you look at yourself, you smile.
Yoga can help you lose weight. The best thing about yoga is that after practice one feels more freshness and excitement than before.
Yoga is mostly considered an aerobic exercise where others are considered effective because of their ability to reduce calories less than strengthening exercises.
However, yoga has its own delicious way to reduce obesity. This is a slow process, it reduces obesity so easily that butter is cut with a knife. Now, let’s take a look at some of the best blankets that can help reduce obesity.

Yoga and better sleep:-
Practicing yoga can improve sleep quality. You may feel that by doing continuous yoga you are able to sleep deeply easily and for a long time. In an ideal situation, you are advised to get 6 to 9 hours of sleep yoga sleep is a form of bed rest.

This exercise can help you fall asleep deeper and increase consciousness. You can also set your goals during yoga sleep, this can help you create weight loss goals.
A small study conducted in 2018 found that health care workers who practiced yoga for 8 weeks had increased levels of awareness. This consciousness or mindfulness involves working with awareness and not judging anyone from personal experience.

How often should you do a yoga weight loss program:-
If you think that eating any instant slimming product sold in the market will reduce belly fat, tell you that taking these things can be dangerous.
Most of the products sold in the market use chemicals which can harm your body. In such cases, it is better to take natural ways to lose fat. This process will take some time but there are no side effects.
A yoga program for weight loss :
Surya Namaskar
The practice of Surya Namaskar empowers the body (from various postures), the mind (from the Manipur Chakra) and the soul (from mantras).
Life on earth is not possible without the sun. Sun salutation is an ancient way of showing respect and gratitude to the sun which is the source of all life on earth.

It is not enough to know the method of saluting the sun, the science behind this ancient method also needs to be understood. A good understanding of this sacred and powerful yogic method gives proper thought and understanding of this method.
These sun salutation recommendations make your practice better and give a beautiful result.

Wheel posing

Chakrasana is a great yoga practice for you if you are having problems with belly fat. This posture has so much potential that it reduces your belly fat and makes it flat.
Lying on your back is an important yoga practice in Chakra Sun Yoga. Chakras consist of two words – chakra means wheel and bhangi means yoga posture. In the final posture of this posture, the body appears as the shape of the wheel, hence the name.
Cobra pose
Lie on your stomach first. Now keep pace with the shoulders of your hands. At this point, reduce the distance between your two legs and keep the legs straight and taut at the same time. Now while breathing, lift the front part of the body above the navel.

At this point, remember not to stretch too much above your waist. According to your qualifications, keep this position of yours. When practicing yoga, inhale slowly and then release.
When returning to the posture at the beginning, return with a deep breath. Thus ended a whole cycle of these poses. Repeat as much as you can.
hand-foot pose

You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Bend with your hips and touch your feet with your fingers. Try to keep your hands under your feet.
Stay like this for a few seconds and then release them. Leaning down puts pressure on the abdomen which creates the tone of your abdomen.
Half-moon pose
When doing this asana, the body becomes like a crescent state, so it is called a crescent moon. Half means half and Chandrasana means posture like the moon. This is done by standing up in the seat.
This seat is a simple stretched and balanced pose that is especially beneficial for the lower back, lower abdomen, and chest. Doing this seat relieves stress.

The correct method of half-moon
To do this, first, stand with the heels of both feet together. Both hands should be adjacent to the waist and keep your neck straight.
Then slowly place both feet at a distance of one and a half to one foot from each other. Remember that your spine should be straight while practicing this seat.
Next, lift the right arm and bring it parallel to the shoulder. Your palms should face the sky. When doing this, keep in mind that your left hand is resting on your waist.
Remember that the palm of the left hand should not be removed from the left foot. Hold this position for 30-40 seconds, then slowly return to normal. If you are doing this for the first time, bow your head as much as possible. Do the same process at the other end as well.

Plow pose
In Halsana the body is kept in the position of the plow. The body needs to be flexible for this seat. Lie on the floor with your back straight and keep both your hands on the ground in a very comfortable position.
Take a deep breath, lift your legs off the floor with the abdominal muscles, and keep both legs standing at a 90-degree angle. Breathe normally, with your hips and hands back up from the floor.
Now, while moving your feet from the top of the head, bend at a 180-degree angle until your toes touch. Your back should be perpendicular to the floor.
Initially, it will be difficult for you to stay in this position but after trying a little you can do it easily. Do this process slowly and comfortably.
But also remember that you don’t have to put pressure on your neck or push it towards the ground. Breathe normally, with your hips and hands back up from the floor.
Now, while moving your feet from the top of the head, bend at a 180-degree angle until your toes touch. Your back should be perpendicular to the floor. Initially, it will be difficult for you to stay in this position but after trying a little you can do it easily.
Do this process slowly and comfortably. But also remember that you don’t have to put pressure on your neck or push it towards the ground. Now come to normal and give the body some rest. Breathing and feeling comfortable.