Reversal of obesity by targeted adipose tissue ablation was the subject of research done by Mikhail G. Kolonin in 2004. The peer-reviewed journal Nature Medicine published the results of this investigation. Using white adipose tissue’s vascular bed, the researchers hoped to demonstrate the efficacy of an anti-obesity treatment, including selective activation of vascular apoptosis. Mice were used in this experiment. Researchers employed a peptide motif isolate (CKGGRAKDC) to analyze white adipose tissue’s vasculature specifically. Phage display was utilized to identify and isolate the peptide. According to the findings, the peptide pattern is linked to prohibitin, a membrane protein with various functions. A marker of white adipose tissue capillaries was created. Furthermore, the pro-apoptotic peptide targeted the white adipose tissue vasculature, causing the fatty tissue bulk to ablate. The overall metabolic processes did return to normal when the white fat was reabsorbed. There were no severe side effects to this normalization. According to the research, since human white adipose tissue vasculature expresses prohibitin, the peptide pattern investigated might likewise promote human white fat mass ablation. Studies are now underway to produce an anti-obesity medication that can be utilized in people. – Adipotide FTPP
The biological differences between rodents and primates make applying anti-obesity treatments discovered in rats to human patients challenging. If the people investigated were also primate family members, these issues would be alleviated. “A Peptidomimetic Targeting White Fat Causes Weight Loss and Enhanced Insulin Resistance in Obese Monkeys” was the headline of research published in 2011. In the journal Science Translational Medicine, researchers reported their results. Peptidomimetic effects on obese monkeys were examined in this research. An Adipotide peptidomimetic sequence was CKGGRAKDC-GG, sometimes referred to as CKGGRAKDC-GG-D(KLAKLAK)2. According to the findings, Adipotide did cause apoptosis in the white adipose tissue vasculature, leading to weight reduction and enhanced insulin function in the study’s monkey subjects. MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) and DEXA (Dexa scan) verified the reduction in white adipose tissue mass (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry). The monkeys’ renal function improved as well, according to the findings. Adipotide was shown to be a prototype for anti-obesity peptides in this investigation.- Adipotide FTPP
Vascular ligand-receptor mapping by direct combinatorial selection in cancer patients” was conducted by Fernanda I. Staquicinia and her colleagues in 2011. Peptide libraries were tested in cancer patients to identify specific ligand-receptor combinations. A non-random distribution pattern was found in a study of roughly 235 106 samples, indicating that sure systemic arterial beds may be targeted. Four natural ligand-receptors were discovered by similarity search, affinity chromatography, and protein arrays. Cathepsin B/apolipoprotein E3 and integrin 4/annexin A4 are two examples of these natural ligand-receptors. Prohibiin/annexin A2 was found only in white adipose tissue, and RAGE/leukocyte proteinase-3 was found only in bone metastases in the other two receptors. ANXA-2 is the abbreviation for Annexin A2. Consequently, our work demonstrates that the white fat vasculature expresses the receptors prohibitin and ANXA-2.
In addition to being an anti-obesity agent, Adipotide for sale is a peptidomimetic molecule with anti-apoptotic and lipolytic characteristics. According to research, its mechanism of action includes the selective apoptosis of white adipose tissue’s vasculature. White fat cells undergo apoptosis, which reduces the body’s total adipose mass.