Opioid addiction can be emotionally, physically, and financially draining. Opioids bind to opioid receptors in your brain and spinal cord and stimulate feelings of euphoria, relaxed muscles, and slowed breathing. Opioids are highly addictive, causing many to become dependent on them. There are more than 2 million Americans addicted to prescription painkillers. Some treatments can help you recover from opioid addiction. Treatment programs vary depending on the severity of your addiction and how long you’ve been using opioids. Let’s look at the seven signs that you’ve found the right opioid treatment program.
Changed Attitudes and Behaviors
The right opioid treatment programs will help you be more positive and experience reduced anxiety attacks. You will notice a change in your attitude towards life after completing your program. It won’t be like before when you had lost hope in life, and everything appeared gloomy to you.
Reduced Withdrawal Symptoms
The most important thing to look for is if your withdrawal symptoms have reduced. Reduction in withdrawal symptoms is a clear sign that the opioid treatment program has worked. The severity of your withdrawal symptoms during and after the opioid treatment programs will indicate its efficacy. You will feel better once your body has adjusted to not being exposed to opioids anymore. See more where you can find the right opioid treatment programs.
Better Emotional Control
The right opioid treatment program will help you cope with anxiety and stressful situations better. You will also experience fewer mood swings and better emotional control through the right opioid treatment program. The best programs combine physical recovery therapies such as opioid detox and opioid agonist therapy with individual and group counseling sessions that treat the psychological issues related to opioid abuse.
Overall Wellness
You will be able to sleep better and not wake up feeling tired. In general, you will feel better during the day while also getting a good night’s sleep. You will be able to live your regular daily routine without being distracted by substance use. Your breathing rate will improve due to reduced stress levels brought about by your new way of living without opioids.
Diminishing Cravings
While the cravings might not disappear completely, once you have gone through the right opioid treatment program, you will start to see significant changes like reduced cravings. Your cravings will lessen, and you will be able to go longer without using opioids without having withdrawal symptoms.
Better Decision Making
Addiction affects decision-making significantly. By going through the right opioid treatment programs, you will make better decisions. Your addicted mind will not cloud your decisions, and the quality of your life will improve. You will also be in a position to make responsible decisions regarding relationships, education, employment, or personal goals you have set for yourself.
Increased Motivation
You will have more motivation to do the things necessary to take care of yourself. Motivational counseling will help you recognize what you need to do to live happy, healthy lives after therapy. Your desire to achieve specific goals in life will return, and you will function better.
Get Help Today
There are many treatment programs available for individuals struggling with opioid addiction, but you need to know what constitutes good quality opioid treatment programs. The right opioid treatment programs will help you overcome the various symptoms and health implications of opioid addiction. The program will offer therapy options that fit your needs and schedule. Your quality of life will also improve significantly.