When asked about the benefit of a full body massage, an average person only knows that it helps them relax and relieve stress. However, what you may not know is that while your body is in a state of absolute relaxation during a massage, there are many other things happening in your body as the massage is going on. Your nervous system, digestive system, lymphatic system, circulatory system, respiratory system, and many other parts of your body benefit from a full body massage in Florida.
In this article, you will learn about the many benefits of a full body massage and what to expect during your visit to a massage therapist. Click here for additional information about massage.
The seven benefits of a full body massage
There are many benefits of a full-body massage in Florida. The following are some of them:
1. Nervous System Relaxation
If you feel pain or tension in some parts of your body, it’s likely as a result of pressure on nerves caused by tight muscles. A proper massage may do some good, which makes your nerves relaxed.
When you relax, your nervous system gets into rest mode, and the production of hormones will be balanced. The production of corticosteroids and other stress hormones decreases while endorphins and other “feel good” hormones increase. With full-body massage, hormones that regulate immune cells, sleep and wake cycles, blood sugar, and even the quantity of food you consume all respond well to the relaxation.
2. It helps your muscles and bones
Just like sponges, your muscles squeeze out blood and lymph as they contract, and absorb fresh blood when they relax. The fresh blood allows oxygen, immune cells, and fresh nutrition to flow into the muscles.
During a full-body massage, a range of motion movements and stretching may also be introduced into the massage to mobilize the joints, applying the right amount of tension that will benefit your tendons, ligaments, and muscles.
3. Detoxifies the lymphatic system
To achieve a balance between the fluid and the work of your immune system, the lymphatic system has to function properly. They work more like the sewage system of the body, helping to maintain the fluid levels in the body tissues by expelling all fluids that leak out of the blood vessels.
In addition to flushing blood through the tissues and muscles, full-body massage also helps to drain the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes will filter out potential pathogens, waste products, and dead cells out of the body.
4. It enhances the performance of the heart
The heart also benefits from a full-body massage. This is because massage aids the production of vasodilation which ultimately aids the flow of blood and helps to deliver oxygen to all the organs of your body. There will be an improvement in the circulation of your body and your whole cardiovascular system is relaxed.
Massage also helps to activate the “rest and digest” mode of your parasympathetic nervous system, thereby regulating your heart rate and blood pressure.
5. It helps with digestion
Massage is beneficial to your digestive system in many ways. Through it, the parasympathetic response that affects the digest response is stimulated. Also, Florida full body massage helps with the absorption of nutrients by reducing the digestive hormones.
6. Reduces migraine and headaches
When there is tension on muscles, it can trigger a headache. In worse cases, the muscles that produce trigger points could spread the pain to other parts of the body including the head and the brain. With the help of massage, the substances that could trigger pains and headaches can be reduced.
7. It helps with better breathing
At the beginning of the massage, you may be asked to take a deep breath. This is because one of the best ways to reduce stress is through unrestricted breathing. Your first breath on the table often signals a sigh of relief, especially when it is coming from the diaphragm. Also, your breathing is aided by some muscles in your chest, ribs, and neck.
When you are stressed, your breathing becomes restricted. This is mainly because with stress comes the accumulation of so much tension in the chest, neck, and shoulder muscles. As your breathing deepens and evens out, you get more relaxed, and your therapist can do their magic on muscles that are tense to reduce their tightness. All this will work to aid your respiration.
If needed, your massage therapist can also work on the intercostal muscles between the ribs. These will also help you to breathe more naturally and effortlessly.
How often should you get a full body massage in Florida?
The frequency of your massage will often be determined by the target area of the massage and the type of massage that is needed. Also, the presence of an underlying health issue such as injury or pain will also determine the duration and the frequency of massage that will be recommended.
There are many types of massage and what they aim to achieve. You will have to consult your massage therapist to confirm which one you will need and how often you will need to visit.
How long should a massage therapy session last?
It is a very dangerous thing to just assume the duration of your massage therapy sessions without any prior assessment or evaluation. In fact, if a therapist doesn’t take some time to do a proper evaluation of your condition, you should consider it as a red flag. The question is: how would a massage therapist decide what to focus on or treat without first evaluating your situation? Even if the purpose of the massage is relaxation, you will still have to be educated on what to expect throughout the treatment.
If you are looking for a general answer, then we can say that a typical massage therapy session should last between fifty minutes to one hour. The general opinion is that a minimum of eighty minutes will be required to get a proper full body massage in FL.
Bottom Line
Full body massage in Florida comes with many benefits, whether you just want to relax from your stress or it is aimed at addressing a medical issue.
However, as beneficial as it is, it is important that you consult your doctor to know if it will prove effective for the medical issue you are facing. After a proper assessment, a doctor will help you determine the best type of massage that is best for you.