Health benefits of turmeric:
India is a rich country in terms of spices. Here different from common spices are used for different dishes.
At the same time, they contain some spices which have got a special place in Ayurveda due to their medicinal properties.
Yellow is one of them. It is believed that the health benefits of turmeric are many.
This is why in this article on StyleCross we are going to talk about the medicinal properties of turmeric.
Here you can learn how the use of common-looking turmeric can work for the benefit of the body.
In addition to the benefits of turmeric, this article also describes the disadvantages of turmeric.
While reading the article, keep in mind that turmeric is not a cure for any disease, it can only help prevent the problem and have some effect.
What is Turmeric:-

Yellow is a plant belonging to the Ginger family. Its scientific name is Karkuma Lamba. It is called yellow in Hindi and yellow in English. Its color is naturally yellow. Raw turmeric looks like ginger. At the same time, turmeric powder is used as a spice in food. Apart from this, it also has medicinal properties. It can be beneficial for health in various ways, this information is given below.
Medicinal properties of turmeric:-

As we mentioned above, the properties of yellow toxins are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, antiseptic, antiviral, cardioprotective (heart retention properties), hepatoprotective (kidney retaining properties), and many other properties. The use of turmeric can be beneficial for the body, this information is given below in the article.
Benefits of Turmeric:
- The benefits of turmeric for liver detox:

Yellow can be helpful in removing toxins from the liver and detoxifying the liver. According to a study on rats published by the NCBI – National Center for Biotechnological Information, turmeric has detoxification and antioxidant properties due to eating mercury-rich foods (especially seafood). Valli may help prevent liver toxicity. In addition, the hepatoprotective properties present in turmeric may be helpful in reducing liver risk. At the moment, more research is still needed.
- The benefits of turmeric for diabetes:
Turmeric consumption can also be helpful in reducing the risk of diabetes. In fact, one study found that the use of curcumin (an important ingredient in turmeric) for up to 9 months proved to be beneficial for the estimated population. Its use has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes.
Also, the anti-diabetic properties of curcumin may also help reduce the risk of any complications in diabetes. According to such studies, up to 12 grams of curcumin is safe. However, it is better to consult a doctor about this, as there is a need for further investigation into the amount and quantity of turmeric consumption in diabetes.
- Yellow for resistance development:
The body needs to have proper immunity to stay healthy. Yellow may be helpful here. In fact, turmeric, an important ingredient in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory properties as well as can act as an immunity (affects immunity). It can help improve the function of various immune cells such as T and B cells (white blood cells). Due to which the body can fight against many diseases such as allergies, asthma, diabetes, and heart disease.
- The benefits of turmeric for cancer:
The use of turmeric can also help reduce the risk of cancer. Some studies have shown that curcumin can reduce tumor cells or prevent them from spreading. It has anti-neoplastic properties (tumor protection properties). Also, it has antacid properties, which can protect against the risk of prostate, breast, and lung cancer. Remember, if someone has cancer, treatment should be the first priority for that person.
- Turmeric is useful for weight gain:
Obesity can be a problem if the right weight is not taken care of at the right time. The benefits of turmeric can be seen here. One study in this study found that people with metabolic syndrome consisted of curcumin intake (waist circumference) to waist width (a condition that increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes) and weight loss. Furthermore, according to another study, curcumin may be positively Helpful in weight control in overweight people. However, to lose weight, you should not only consume turmeric but also change your exercise and diet.
- Medicinal properties of turmeric – Anti-inflammatory:
Talking about the properties of turmeric, turmeric can also be beneficial for inflammatory problems. Studies on humans have shown that turmeric is safe. At the same time, curcumin also confirmed anti-inflammatory properties, which may be helpful in preventing inflammation Inflammation can cause many diseases – arthritis, asthma, cancer, and Alzheimer’s (amnesia). In this case, turmeric may act as an anti-inflammatory agent to help reduce inflammation.
- Medicinal properties of turmeric – Antioxidants:
Turmeric also has antioxidant properties, which help to keep the body free from free radicals and balance the effects of iron( turmeric powder, as well as its oil, also have antioxidant properties ). At the same time, according to a study done on rats, yellow is able to resist the oxidative stress caused by diabetes. Another study claims that the antioxidant properties found in curcumin may improve memory in humans.
- The benefits of turmeric for the heart:
The use of turmeric can also help keep the heart-healthy. The most important ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, has cardio-protective properties, which is why its use can protect against the risk of heart disease. It is animals and people and conducted a lot of research has been published Also, a survey found that bypass surgery (heart-related surgery) patients, karakumina feeding risk of heart attack can reduce the yellow enjoying the heart to keep healthy Can help.
- Use of turmeric for digestion:
Digestive problems (such as gas and indigestion) can happen at any time and to any person. In this case, the use of turmeric not only relieves gas and flatulence but also helps to get rid of irritable bowel syndrome (inflammatory bowel syndrome – intestinal problems) and digestive problems. In addition, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of curcumin help reduce the risk of ulcers so turmeric can be used in food to keep the stomach and digestion in order.
- The benefits of turmeric in Alzheimer’s:
Alzheimer’s, which is a neurological problem, causes a person to slowly begin to lose his memory. The causes are still unknown, but increasing age may increase the risk of the disease. In this case, turmeric may be helpful in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s. According to a study published on the NCBI website, the use of turmeric in Alzheimer’s patients has been shown to be helpful in improving their quality of life. However, more study is needed on this subject.
- The benefits of turmeric for anxiety and depression:
Consumption of turmeric can be effective in situations of anxiety and depression. Indeed, turmeric has anti-anxiety properties, which can be effective in anxiety situations. Also, a study suggested that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of the curcuminoid component present in turmeric may help reduce the symptoms of depression. At the moment, more research is still needed.
- For PMS symptoms before menstruation:
Many women experience more pain and abdominal pain during ejaculation. Turmeric can be used to avoid this. According to an Iranian study, curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce the symptoms of PMS before ejaculation. Benefits of drinking yellow milk during Stru Tusrab.
- Benefits of turmeric for arthritis:
The use of turmeric can be beneficial in one type of arthritis. According to a study published on the Harvard Medical School website, 139 people with osteoarthritis were given 500 mg of curcumin three times a day for a month. And in patients whose arthritis symptoms sufficient relief to see that. In fact, turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, which can relieve the symptoms of arthritis. However, this study has been done at a low level and for only one month, so more research is needed on this.
- Medicinal properties of turmeric for wounds:
Turmeric has been used for many years to treat mild wounds. Turmeric has antibacterial, wound healing, and antiseptic properties that can be helpful in wound healing. However, keep in mind that turmeric should only be used for any common injury or wound, only treat if the wound is severe.
- Use of turmeric for cough:
Many people have been using turmeric as a cough or cold medicine for many years because turmeric is hot. Eating turmeric powder in hot milk can reduce the problem of cough. Not only this, due to the anti-inflammatory properties present in turmeric, its acceptability may also be effective for bronchial asthma. Remember, if the cough lasts for several days, it is better to consult a doctor once.
- Use of turmeric in psoriasis:
The benefits of turmeric are not only for health but also for the skin. The benefits of turmeric are also seen in curing skin diseases. The benefits of applying turmeric are not only for keeping the skin healthy but can also be effective for skin problems like psoriasis. In psoriasis, crusts begin to form on the skin and it can be itchy by a red rash.
- Yellow for nail acne:
Turmeric has been used in weddings and other auspicious occasions in India due to its health benefits. We mentioned in the article above that yellow skin can relieve problems like psoriasis. Also, it may be effective in treating pimples. Although no specific scientific study has been found, turmeric has been shown to be effective for acne problems based on the human experience. To feel the benefits of turmeric, you can apply turmeric with any ingredients like gram flour or Multani mud to feel for the skin.
- Use of turmeric for hair:
The benefits of applying turmeric for hair can relieve dandruff by using coconut oil with turmeric as an anti-fungal agent. So that one can get rid of the problem of dandruff and itching.
Turmeric has both advantages and disadvantages, so in the last part of the article, we also know the disadvantages of turmeric.
Turmeric Damage – Side Effects of Turmeric.
Here we are giving information about the loss of turmeric:

Excessive turmeric intake can cause side effects of turmeric. This can cause kidney stone problems. Oxalate in turmeric (Oxalate – a type of organic acid present in foods) that can cause it.
Excessive turmeric intake can lead to stomach problems such as gastrointestinal problems.
Turmeric side effects also include anemia. Indeed, a high intake of turmeric can cause iron deficiency in the body, increasing the risk of anemia.
Excess intake of turmeric can also cause bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.
Talking about the loss of turmeric, the consumption of turmeric can also cause headaches and rashes on the skin.
After knowing the benefits of all these turmerics, it can be said that turmeric is a treasure of qualities. The use of turmeric can be helpful in preventing many health problems. In such a situation, its health benefits can be taken by using a limited quantity. Keep in mind that turmeric is an Ayurvedic medicine, which can have a gradual effect. Therefore, for the effect of the medicinal properties of turmeric, consume it sparingly and wait for the results. Along with this, the disadvantages of turmeric have also been mentioned in the article, so always consume only a limited amount of turmeric. Eat healthily and stay healthy.